Monday, May 16, 2005

I Don't Really want Feedback, but

I got a letter thanking me for the party last night, and I thought I'd share:

Yo, Damon!
That party last night was off the chains, that shit was off the hizook, for shiznook! I Come from the Galapagos Islands and am a Gigantic Sea Turtle! Your Blog is pretty cool for the partying, but it seems like you take the drugs! Please do not take the drugs, the drugs are bad for you! I got laid last night on your blog and I did not take the drugs! It was with a horshoe crab! I Come from the Galapagos Islands and am a Gigantic Sea Turtle!

Thanks Again!

Well, Gigst, I do not take the drugs. My anti-drug is poetry. Some day I will share some with you.